Kick-start your festive marketing…

You want your till ringing out merrily this December… but perhaps you’re wondering where to start?

Or maybe you’re feeling overstretched and pulled in a gazillion directions with no time left for your marketing?

What if you could have it all… in a neatly wrapped Christmas package 🎁

Well, you can. Grab my free Christmas Blueprint.

This new mini course is packed with time-saving marketing tips, templates and ideas you can action right away to ensure your till rings merrily this December. 

My 7 videos, workbook and online lessons are brimming with ideas you can action right now.

Picture of Alice Kirby

Alice Kirby

Founder, Lockhart Meyer Salon Marketing & Salon Social Club

Why get your hands on this Blueprint?

Work smarter. Not harder.

Available now with a Salon Social Club FREEBIE MEMBER account. Let’s jingle all the way to your best Christmas yet…